


STOETZEL SONORISATION - Integration Frontend & Conception UI/UX

Conception UI/UX and integration with frontend framework

Use : Git, SvelteJS, ExpressJS, Figma

Qanga - Integration Web & UI

Conception UI and integration in unreal engine.

Use : Git, SvelteJS, Figma, Unreal Engine (blueprint only on this)

      Other Freelance Mission

Programming personnal tool

Weebhook for discord

Integration UX/UI from FIgma file

My Work

Crowd Simulation - UE4

Creation of a crowd simulation system with +2000 replicating entities. Integrate Flecs (ECS in C). Recode a collision, quadTree and Linetrace system.

Implementation of a persistent GPU ID in Niagara for particle identification and arrays dynamics management

Use : UE4, Flecs, C++, BP, HLSL

Advanced Draw Number

I've created this plugin to display millions of numbers (made to be used in RPG/Vampire Survivor like). According to this benchmark, it's 6000x more optimized than using unreal widgets to perform the same task. It is also replicated and uses an ID system recoded by me, which allows it to run on the GPU while emptying memory.

Use : UE4, HLSL, Materials, Niagara

Technical VFX

I've created a solution to put a system within a system. This brings us closer to a workflow such as houdini. However, it does come with one constraint, which is that we have to adapt each module to this workFlow, which is not designed for this purpose.

Use : UE5, HLSL, Materials, Niagara, Blender, Substance

      Other Personal Work

Multiplayer : Inventory, Lobby System

WaterMaterial in HLSL, like exemple here

VFX with Niagara (More about programming and workflow than artistry)



The Asynconf is an event in which conferences are organized. Moreover it is accompanied by a development competition that I was able to organize, control and correct during the 3 days of the event on the first and second edition. In total there are almost 300 exercises corrected and classified in an order of points.I took part in the 1st, 2nd and 4th years as moderator and proofreader 

Participation in the community discord

I help a number of UnrealEngine developers in their purely technical aspects. Like terrain generation, Niagara, data management...